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Summer of 2000 Trip to Austin

[ Intro ] [ 001-House Sean ] [ 002-House Keith ]

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      I went to Austin Texas in the summer of 2000 for vacation. "What an odd thing to do." you say. Well, I went there to visit a friend and former roommate of mine, one Mr. Sean Dunn in fact. So you see, Austin was a perfectly reasonable choice for vacation location.

001-House Sean 002-House Keith 003-House Sean's Room 004-House Sean's Room 005-House Liz and  Tim 006-House Liz and Tim 007-House Liz and Tim 008-House Doggies 009-House Isabel 010-House Doggies 011-House Hershey 012-House Keith Birdie 013-House Keith Birdie 014-House Keith Birdie 015-House Keith Birdie 016-House Sean 017-House Liz 018-House Tim 019-House Liz Tim 020-House Liz Bills 021-House Liz Bills 022-House Liz Bills 087-Spider House
001-House Sean
002-House Keith
003-House Sean's Room
004-House Sean's Room
005-House Liz and Tim
006-House Liz and Tim
007-House Liz and Tim
008-House Doggies
009-House Isabel
010-House Doggies
011-House Hershey
012-House Keith Birdie
013-House Keith Birdie
014-House Keith Birdie
015-House Keith Birdie
016-House Sean
017-House Liz
018-House Tim
019-House Liz Tim
020-House Liz Bills
021-House Liz Bills
022-House Liz Bills
087-Spider House

by: Keith A. Pray
Last Modified: January 28, 2010 9:02 AM
© 2010 - 1975 Keith A. Pray.
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